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Advantage Media Partners Child Theme Development

While working with Advantage Media Partners in Beaverton Oregon, I was responsible for a number of upgrades to the child theme they used on all their website builds. Some of the smaller upgrades I did included adding custom fields accessible from the dashboard settings area that allowed designers with the company to change footer elements without having to edit the PHP from the theme editor. I also added additional fields to the settings area to accommodate social icons that were not already present, and also add custom content to the header.

The biggest upgrade that I accomplished was significantly upgrading and branding the login page for the child theme. By adding custom PHP code to the functions file I created a custom and branded experience that will continue to be seen every-time someone logs into a website built by Advantage Media Partners.

I believe this adds unique value to each website and is a powerful branding asset that will continue to be seen and used into the foreseeable future. I am proud of this upgrade as it will be present whether I am with the company or not and this makes a “legacy” of sorts for me.

Branded Login page for advantage media.